Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Writing Tattoos for Body

Writing Tattoos for Body

Lettering Tattoos-Font Tattoos

Lettering Tattoos-Font Tattoos

Tattoos for Girls - any Full Body

Tattoos for Girls - any Full Body

Dragon Tattoos-Full Body Tattoos

Dragon Tattoos-Full Body Tattoos

Font Tattoos-tattoos design

Font Tattoos-tattoos design

Tribal Fonts Tattoos-full body

Tribal Fonts Tattoos-full body

Kanji Fonts Tattoos-all about

Kanji Fonts Tattoos-all about

Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010


Fancy a ghoulish ink for the Darkest Night of the year?

S$6.66 for Vampyre Bite Tattoo on any part of your body !!

Be Immortalized by Diamond Fangs.

(Please bring exact change - cuz we don't want to piss The Devil off)

- Spread the plague to your friends !! -

Come and support us !! --------------------iBite--------------------


Fancy a ghoulish ink for the Darkest Night of the year?

S$6.66 for Vampyre Bite Tattoo on any part of your body !!

Be Immortalized by Diamond Fangs.

(Please bring exact change - cuz we don't want to piss The Devil off)

- Spread the plague to your friends !! -

Come and support us !! --------------------iBite--------------------

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

New ink

Yeah I know, I suck. I haven't been the greatest at keeping this blog updated. What can I say, having 2 jobs takes alot of time out of a day. Anyhow here is my latest work:

"We strive to be worthy of their devotion". I'd been looking for something that would represent dogs in way I loved. (One of my jobs is as a dog trainer.) I stumbled across this celtic version of a pawprint and knew this was it. My tattoo guy did a great job designing the rest of it with the quote. The forget-me-knots are in memory of the dogs gone but not forgotten. I think I'm going to go back and add more flowers above it on my shoulder.

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

Hοw tο synchronize mу BlackBerry wіth mу Desktop Notebook (Mac OS X)

Synchronizing уουr BlackBerry wіth уουr desktop notebook іѕ a mυѕt! It јυѕt works incredibly fine аnd іѕ simple going tο set up. Thіѕ article іѕ meant tο hеlр уου tο gеt thіѕ working. If уου hаνе already set іt up аnd уου rесkοn іt іѕ fine уου саn јυѕt skip thіѕ article. Bυt іf уου аrе nοt BlackBerry Pearlsure уουr setting іѕ assess – bυt іt іѕ working іn fact – уου mυѕt keep reading аnd check whether уου hаνе set іt up rіght.

Wе wil take іn thе following раrtѕ οf уουr BlackBerry аnd desktop application fοr synchronization:

  • Address Book
  • Calendar
  • MemoPad
  • Tasks

Please keep іn mind thаt wе аrе nοt covering thе synchronization οf E-Mails іn thіѕ article. Wе wіll dο ѕο later I estimate. Thе setup thаt іѕ used fοr thіѕ presention іѕ аѕ followed:

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

Chinese Tattoo Design

sexy-Chinese-tattoo-designChinese Tattoo Design
Compare With Japanese Tattoo and Asian Tattoo Design Below

Chinese Tattoo Design

sexy-Chinese-tattoo-designChinese Tattoo Design
Compare With Japanese Tattoo and Asian Tattoo Design Below

Full Body Dragon Tattoos Design

Full Body Dragon Tattoos

Full Body Dragon Tattoos Design
extreme tattoos, so colorful and nice design and pretty model for that tattoos design! nice Japanese dragon tattoo motif! excellent tattoos design

Full Body Dragon Tattoos Design

Full Body Dragon Tattoos

Full Body Dragon Tattoos Design
extreme tattoos, so colorful and nice design and pretty model for that tattoos design! nice Japanese dragon tattoo motif! excellent tattoos design